Olive Oil, Maple, and Orange Marmalade Ice Cream (lactose free)

Olive Oil, Maple, and Orange Marmalade Ice Cream pictured next to a jar of orange marmalade and a bottle of Peychaud's bitters

This is probably another “trust me” flavor. I love coming up with new flavor combinations, but I realize a lot of them may sound odd to most people. So, trust me, Olive Oil, Maple, and Orange Marmalade Ice Cream is delicious!

I recently met a wonderful former school lunch lady. We had so many great conversations about food! She happened to mention that maple syrup and orange marmalade make a wonderful sauce for desserts. So of course I started thinking about a new ice cream…

Fancy cocktail vibes?

We have the grassy, buttery, slightly bitter flavor of the olive oil. Then the maple comes in with a rich sweetness. And finally, the orange marmalade adds bright citrus with a little bitterness of its own.

This combination of flavors reminds me of an Old Fashioned cocktail. The maple syrup mimics the maple flavor in whiskey. The olive oil adds complexity and a little bitterness like alcohol, while the orange marmalade is the muddled garnish of orange peel in the cocktail.

I may be crazy (my husband doesn’t get the cocktail comparison) but I DO know that Olive Oil, Maple, and Orange Marmalade Ice Cream is fantastic with bitters shaken on top. I prefer Peychaud’s, but your classic Angostura bitters would be great [affiliate links]. I’d even put a tablespoonful or two in the recipe if you’re so inclined. Obviously, a tablespoonful of whiskey would also make sense.

Non-dairy and vegan options

The base of this recipe is dairy free, using a combination of non-dairy milk of your choice (I used oat milk) plus olive oil. I also typically add protein powder to my recipes to increase protein and reduce sugar. (More on how that works here.) This recipes calls for unflavored, unsweetened whey protein powder. Whey contains dairy protein, but not lactose, so it’s safe if you’re lactose intolerant.

If you want to go completely dairy free or vegan, you can swap out the protein powder for another type, such as collagen or a plant-based protein. See the recipe notes below for specific recommendations.

If Olive Oil, Maple, and Orange Marmalade Ice Cream sounds intriguing, you might also like:

Olive Oil, Maple, and Orange Marmalade Ice Cream (lactose free)

Makes ~1 quart

Olive Oil, Maple, and Orange Marmalade Ice Cream pictured next to a jar of orange marmalade and a bottle of Peychaud's bitters



  1. BLEND

    Add all ingredients to a blender and blend thoroughly, scraping down the sides with a spatula, until fully combined and smooth. 


    ingredients for olive oil, maple, and orange marmalade ice cream
  2. CHILL

    Transfer to a container and chill in the refrigerator for 8 hours or overnight.


    For a quicker chilling time, place the bowl containing your mixture in an ice bath (a larger bowl containing ice water) for a few hours. Stir the mixture occasionally. As the water in the ice bath warms up, pour off some water and add ice to keep the mixture chilling as quickly as possible.


    Ideally, the mixture will be about 40 degrees when you churn it. 


    base for olive oil, maple, and orange marmalade ice cream in the fridge
  3. CHURN

    Before you start churning, set up everything you'll need to quickly transfer the ice cream from the machine into a container for freezing. I use a knife to scrape down the dasher (or paddle) and a wooden spoon to scoop out the ice cream. 


    Set up your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's directions. Pour your mixture into the ice cream maker and churn. In my machine the perfect churning time is 17 minutes, but your experience may vary. 


    The ice cream is finished churning when it looks like soft-serve and is pulling away from the sides of the canister. 


    olive oil, maple, and orange marmalade ice cream just churned
  4. STORE

    When the ice cream has finished churning, scoop it as quickly as possible into your storage container. Cover it with plastic wrap or parchment paper, if using. (Placing a sheet of parchment paper between the container and lid will help prevent frost, or you can press plastic wrap directly onto the surface of the ice cream.) Put the container in the freezer. The ice cream will be fully firm in a few hours.


    olive oil, maple, and orange marmalade ice cream ready to go into the freezer


You can use any unflavored, unsweetened protein powder you want. Whey, collagen, and egg white work the best. Vegan protein powders can work too, but sometimes create a chalky texture. Because different protein powders have different textures, the same volume of different powders may weigh different amounts. Weighing is the best method for ensuring you get the 65 grams the recipe calls for, but here are some estimates for using a cup measurement:

  • 65 g collagen powder = 1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons
  • 65 g whey protein = 1 scant cup
  • 65 g egg white protein = 3/4 cup 
  • 65 g soy protein = 1 cup
  • 65 g pea protein = 3/4 cup


Recommended equipment: (may include affiliate links)


Recommended ingredients: (may include affiliate links)

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